Head And Neck Cancer Surgery


When you hear “head and neck cancer” you may think that only these two organs are involved. However, it expands to many other parts of the human body as well. “Head and neck cancer” is only a term to explain the cancerous tumours which can develop anywhere around the nose, mouth, sinuses, larynx or throat. In case you or your loved one is diagnosed with the same condition, you must not delay to move to a reliable head and neck cancers doctor in Faridabad.

Treatment ranges from Radical Surgery followed by radiation or chemoradiation. For advanced disease sometimes chemotherapy is given prior to surgery. A good reconstructive surgery is needed for better functional and cosmetic outcome of the patients. If you are looking for best neck cancers treatment in Faridabad you can get it right here.

Carcinoma Of Tongue


Carcinoma of tongue is one of the most common cancers of oral cavity in tobacco chewers. It is also one of the most dangerous oral malignancies with fatal outcomes. This pt presented with a large tumor of the tongue and had history of guthka intake for last 20 years.

We performed surgery were almost upto 2/3 of his tongue was removed along with neck nodes. Tongue function was restored by using free flap from the forearm. Patient now 3months post surgery and radiotherapy is functionally and cosmetically very good and performing all activities.

Office Location 099-6885-6411 099-6885-6411