Must-Do Exercises for Cancer Patients

Must-Do Exercises for Cancer Patients

Cancer is an extremely fatal disease which saturates a lot from the human body, not just physically and financially but also mentally, and emotionally. To make you feel better about yourself, it’s important to feel good about your body and to make your body feel good, there is no better way but to exercise.

  • Yoga: Even medical sciences have evidence that Yoga is one of the best ways to exercise without any harmful side effects.
  • Stretching: It is one of the basic exercises that one can perform easily.
  • Swimming: Spend some time in water, take a lap or two as it will burn your calories as well as make you feel fresh.

There are few changes suggested by stomach cancer specialists that one can bring in their lifestyle to ensure healthy living such as avoiding lifts if possible and taking stairs, trying to lift light weights or things at home like detergent cans etc. There are many more such small yet effective steps that one can take.

Avoid Exercising

Though exercising has great outcomes for most of the patient’s, one should avoid exercises in certain situations which we will discuss ahead or else consult their doctors to be more sure about the practices that one can continue doing.

  • If you have low immunity – At times even after your treatment is completed, there could be days when the immunity of the body is low. There is no harm in avoiding exercising for a couple of days.
  • Instantly after surgeries – One should avoid exercises just after a surgery. Once you feel okay, get back with double the energy.

These will help everyone to have a healthier body, and feel great about themselves. You should always consult your doctor or specialist to know about the type of exercises that you can perform.

If you are looking for a gastrointestinal tract cancer surgeon, Dr. Shivam Vatsal is going to be a great choice. He is a specialist and has great expertise in his work. He is great for consultation and has an experience of more than a decade.

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