Why are cancer cases on the rise all across the world?

Why are cancer cases on the rise all across the world?

The term “cancer” is one that no one wants to hear. Cancer affects a large number of people for a variety of reasons. Cancer presents a slew of survival challenges and needs a great degree of patience to overcome. Being a cancer patient involves both physical and mental preparation before deciding to seek therapy. Some people learn about cancer early on, while others learn about it later. Fortunately, cancer diagnosis and treatment are both achievable if you seek the finest available care. Although technological and scientific developments have tremendously aided in treating deadly diseases such as cancer, still the cancer cases continue to climb around the world.

The following are the reasons behind the increase in cancer cases:

  • Poor lifestyle and eating habits, being engrossed in work for a lengthy period of time, and frequent smoking and drinking habits are all factors that contribute to the development of cancer.
  • Aging is another factor that can lead to cancer. The majority of persons over the age of 60 are at a higher risk of contracting cancer. As people live longer, they are more likely to develop cancer, which has been observed to increase with age.
  • Obesity is another factor that has been linked to cancer. Obese persons are more prone than anyone else to develop cancer because obesity causes poor diet and a lack of sufficient nutrients in the first place. Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of many types of cancers.
  • The emergence of many cancer forms and types is another factor to be blamed for. Cancer has been linked to several commonly spread diseases. Even though awareness has been raised, our society continues to be plagued by increased cancer incidence.

Dr Shivam Vatsal Agarwal, a known name in the medical sphere for giving superior care and treatment with utmost accountability, is the best cancer doctor you can find. He is well recognised for oral cancer treatment, and he has aided many patients in conquering this fatal disease.

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